Naruka is a gospel song from the Swahili word meaning "Jumping."
The song is built on painful moments that I've encountered in life through friends and loved ones, when it truly dawned on me that, "truly cursed is he that puts trust in a man." Going into the capital city having no shelter, job or cash with me was a hard road. Sometimes not being accepted in a society that you're counting on spiritual nourishment. It reached a point where everything I had worked for was stollen and had to start from the scratch backcountry. All these pain and betrayal created the boy of the song Naruka cause the song is all about my testimony through a bitter spell in time. The song Naruka was summarized in Psalm 23 when God was truly my Shepherd in times of need


I have encountered challenges after recording this song back in December 2018. The main one being marketing of the song to the people. Not having someone to help and guide me through marketing and branding has been my the toughest challenge so far cause it needs money and having no means of income, it's been a tough thing to do. Where I come it's also hard for the churches to give their podiums for a gospel musician to minister especially if that the musician is not a member of that church; meaning since I recorded this song I have never gotten a chance to sing to the people, they have only listened and watched it through YouTube link and some three television channels so far but it's my desire to see the video playing in numerous platforms.

I used to be in a boyband group so this is my first complete song as a single artist, so it's not easy to market it here in Kenya furthermore music cartels have taken over so many radio and television networks, without being in a cartel through bribing it's been so hard to get my video being played. So my main challenge since I recorded the song is the marketing and making people all over the world know that there is this gospel musician from Kenya who wants to impact the world with sweet sounds of music. Not recording more audios quickly is also impacting negativity on my trying to get out there. God willing soon another audio is hitting the airwaves.

Goals for Naruka
My main goal for this song and many more to come is to testify of the goodness of God and how loving, caring He is in times of our troubles. To use this song as an instrument of hope to anyone who sees himself or herself down and needs lifting so that they can know that if there is a mouth to pray then there is a God who listens. A God who is a Shepherd will guide them through thick and thin, hence they are more than conquerors. I want people to know that they too can jump up high in the laughter of victory. Ruka!


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