Many factors in your life are beyond your control, but there is one thing you can always control and if you learn how to do it, if you're committed to it is your FOCUS. I think that many relationships fail not because of a loss of love but because of a loss of focus. That would be one of the reasons that a church fails as well while we're at it. Is that you lose your focus when you stop caring about what God cares about. God will no longer back you in your Endeavor. And so sometimes what we call failure is really just Broken Focus, It's the reason why the passion that exists in some parts of relationships when it's getting started tends to leak and you wonder where you went wrong. It wasn't necessarily that you lost the love you but you lost the focus. 

It's very difficult to keep that first love focus in any relationship. Allow me to say that happiness isn't finding the right person, but Happiness is being the right person. If you find the right person in you, what are you going to do to that poor right person? I'm not suggesting that if you're not married or something like that, it is because you're not ready yet, all we have to do is to disprove that stupid theory is to look at some of the people who are married. The object of relationship and the object of love is not that somebody else would complete you. You can't complete me. In the Book of Genesis God's describing marriage is about Adam and Eve and he says that you know, the man shall leave his father and mother and the two will become one. Let me think what it doesn't say. It doesn't say the halves will become whole. 

But yet we teach it, we treat it and we expect it like the halves are gonna become whole but I found out if you go into a marriage half. The two halves are going to make hell not whole what you can't control which is what God is doing in your life. You gotta find a date to get married, in a place to get married that everybody can come to that all in the same day working out continents different continents people coming together from all these different places in the world and got find them dresses for the bridesmaid's something that they'll all wear and will complain about the look good against their skin tone you find a house and find a good job. If you will focus on becoming a river you will become a river.

So if you're in a relationship what is your focus in that relationship?


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